Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Character First training in Nigeria

Nigeria is a massive country of almost 100 million people comprising 250 ethnic groups speaking 4000 dialects. In size, it is more than two and half times the size of California. The diversity of Nigeria is reflected in its rainbow of creeds and complexions, views and counterviews, stretching from the fringes of the desert in the North to the Atlantic waters in the South.

We have been involved in taking Character First into Nigeria and initiate the implementation of it within Church groups as well as business implementation groups.




Church workers in fundamental CF principles around 50 delegates

Valuable time was spend coaching Stella Hunter in overseeing CF implementation with a few businesses close to them in Lagos. Certificates was handed over to each delegate

Business group 15 trained over two days in CF
Looking forward to great success stories and further implementation of Character in Africa.


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