Monday, October 8, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Research Uncovers 8 Mistakes People Make that Lead to Unsatisfying Work
"It's time for serious evaluation through tools like Career Direct so that students don't drown in debt while struggling with unemployment," said Crown's Robert Dickie III.
A fine-tuned tool based on years of research could make a difference for anyone trying to decide, "What should I do when I grow up?" For students choosing a course of study or for those considering what kind of work will stand the test of time, Crown Financial Ministries spent more than 10 years developing and fine tuning the newly re-launched Career Direct ® using standard psychometric principles of testing and measurement and putting those to work in 17 languages. Career Direct is a game changer for job seekers and prospective students.
So far, more than 120,000 adults and students worldwide have gone through the program. It asks up front the basic question of life – who are you? – before telling you how to spend your 100,000 hours of working life. And with that much science and personal testing behind it, Crown Financial Ministries has learned that some career mistakes can be avoided, beginning with too little time spent in considering what are a person's best skills and talents.
"Finding out your unique skills should be the first thing any job seeker or student does before changing your life for your job or investing your hard-earned, even borrowed, money in education," said Crown's President Robert Dickie III.
In an article featured in Fox News this week Dickie noted: "More than half of all students change majors at least once, and a recent survey found that the average American man changes jobs every four and one-half years, the average woman every three years. The model of employee and employer forming a lifelong relationship no longer fits.
"Today choosing a career is generally not a one-time decision; it's a series of decisions, made through different stages of life, experience, and responsibility. But with more than 60 percent of Americans saying they are not satisfied with their current jobs, it seems obvious that it's time to consider new patterns for choosing a profession."
Career Direct ® is a program that provides personal analysis, testing and even counseling to identify the kind of skills that will lead to a successful career.
Through research, Crown also identified 8 common errors people make when taking a job and when trying to find a career that will satisfy.
Business Redefined.. Re-engineering your business for the future
am back from a Conference in Los Angeles where I did a presentation on the 18 inches
towards real transformation from the head to the heart. At the conference I had
the opportunity to listen to some outstanding wisdom and legacy leaders of the
world. One such session was with Ken Blanchard.
talked about trust as the basis for every relationship and about defining trust
busters and trust boosters, as well as rebuilding trust. I personally liked the
assessment tool Ken discussed with us that uses 35 statements based on the
When you demonstrate competence and skill, you are ABLE, which builds trust.
When you act with integrity, you are BELIEVABLE,
which builds trust.
When you care about others, you are CONNECTED,
which builds trust.
When you remain reliable, you are DEPENDABLE,
which builds trust.
Other speakers included:
Luis Palau, Astonishing
Impact of one Consecrated Business Leader
Dr. John Townsend,
Boundaries and Leadership: How Successful Leaders Guard Their Time and Energy
Kevin Palau, City
Transformation: The Portland Story, Is it possible to see cities transformed by
the Gospel?
Kent Humphreys, What is Next
for You?
Dr. Paul White, Authentic
Appreciation: Communicating True Value to Your Employees for Kingdom-based
Rick Warren: Sharing and
inspiring us to be the true ambassadors of God’s Kingdom

change the market-place story. Also see the link that I prepared for the
Be a life-long learner and allow God to use you mightily in the position
for which He has called you in. Make a difference wherever you go!
Blessings. Dr Mario Denton E:
Terugvoer na seminaar
More Mario
Ek is nou al ‘n paar keer deur jou presentation en dis by verre een van die mees ongellooflikste presentations wat ek nog ooit in my lewe gesien het, WOW!!!
Ek sou wat wou gee om jou te hoor en sien dit aanbied. Die content is absoluut amazing “and it stirs my spirit man and my heart”.
Leef ons nie absoluut in die beste tyd om ‘n pad met Jesus te stap nie!!!
Nogmals dankie dat jy dit met my gedeel het.
Baie liefde
Willie Rudolph
Chief Operating Officer
Boldness versus Fearfulness
versus Fearfulness
Definition: Confidence that what I say or do is true,
right and just.
Acts 4:13 – “The members of
the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they
could see that they were ordinary men who had had no special training. They also recognised them as men who had been
with Jesus.”
Is your confidence rooted in
Christ? When you speak, do people
recognise that you have been with Jesus?
No one can stand against you if you have God on your side. If you know you are doing the right thing and
that Jesus would agree with your actions or words, you have every right to be
confident and bold! Do not let fear hold
you back! If you have been with Jesus,
it does not matter what your background is; Jesus will show Himself through
Let boldness flow from knowing who you
Surely God would not have created a
being such as man to exist only for a day!
No, no, man was made for immortality! – Abraham Lincoln
Character First™
Character-building: Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you who
you are in Christ so that you can confidently begin to do what God wants you
If you are pursuing God’s call
in your life then follow this link to Halftime® a programme that will help
you find renewed purpose.
Thoughts and Reflections
True boldness is birthed from
the knowledge of who I am in Christ!
What is holding me back from
accepting God’s call to serve Him?
Action Items
__________________________________ by _______________
__________________________________ by _______________
__________________________________ by _______________
__________________________________ by _______________
__________________________________ by _______________
__________________________________ by _______________
Dear Lord
I place my confidence in You. Thank You for being on my side when I do what
is right in Your eyes. Help me to not be
afraid or timid when You call on me to act.
Let others see that I have been with You and that I am Your instrument
here on earth, so that they may glorify You.
Order your personal copy of the Character Anew Journal
Contact us at to find out more
character first,
food for thought,
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Change your story
Change your story, video invitation.
Change your story, the invitation from TRUE AFRICA LEADER on Vimeo.
character first,
Get involved,
True Africa Leadership beehive model
Find out more about True Africa Leadership, our programs and how you can get involved
Beehive tal xvid from TRUE AFRICA LEADER on Vimeo.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
AGQ of youth character development
Watch this video and learn more about developing character in youth
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Aanpasbaarheid vs weerstandigheid
AANPASBAARHEID vs. Weerstand. Die bereidwilligheid om planne of idees te verander volgens die aanwysings van diegene wat in beheer is. Flexibility
Pyn of Plesier?
Geseend is die buigbare, want hy sal nie breek nie!
Elke mens moet aanpasbaar kan wees in vandag se onvoorspelbare samelewing. Om suksesvol te kan aanpas beteken dat ek my planne of idees moet kan aanpas met die minste inspanning of ontwrigting. Dit is ongelukkig so dat aanpassings moeiliker raak as ons vasgevang is in aardse bekommernisse. Hoe seerder ons kry tydens verandering, hoe meer weet ons dat ons harte te sterk verbind is tot die dinge van hierdie wêreld. "Wees veral versigtig met wat in jou hart omgaan, want dit bepaal jou hele lewe".
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Do you ever work at your business and then neglect your family?
King Solomon wrote, "They made me caretaker of the vineyards, but I have not taken care of my own vineyard" (Song of Solomon 1:6).
A promotion at work may be great, and a nice raise always comes in handy. The key is to ensure that our priorities--the Lord, family and then work--are always in proper order. If you are not able to spend time with your family and the Lord, look at adjusting your work schedule, or if necessary, look at changing jobs. Keeping your priorities straight will honor the Lord.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Change Agents Radio talk with Dr Mario Denton
Stagneer , verander of transformeer
Ons lewe in wereld van postmodernisme waar so baie dinge gaan om die persoon self, dat jy maar kan glo wat jy wil solank dit nie ander raak nie, my waarhied is so goed soos jou waarheid en dat dinge maar net relatief begin raak het. Ky maar hoe die media daarin geslaag het onder andere om die definisie van moraliteit, famile en evoluse te begin draai
So die vraag is eenvoudig Is daar behoefte aan nuwe groep transformasie agente en wat sal ons land lyk na 75 jaar as ons nie weer ons geestelike oorspronge her ontdek en waardeer nie. Ons lewe so maklk in ontkenning dat alles maar sal regkom.
Kanaliseer weer jou passie om die verskil te wees! Mario Denton bekende bedryfsielkundige is ook die hoof organiseerder en fasiliteerder. Die gesoute markplein leier, Os Hillman baie ervare TGIF stigter, is ons gasspreker vir hierdie opwindende konferensie! REGISTRASIE is oop tot 16 Maart 2012 Os kom besoek spesiaal van Atlanta! Gryp die geleentheid met beide hande! Skakel ons by 021 en maak die registrasie so gou moontlik
Click on the link below to listen to the interview
When you see an injustice or bad practice in your company, do you look the other way?

King Solomon observed, "If you see oppression of the poor and denial of the province, do not be shocked...for one official watches over another official, and there are higher officials over them" (Ecclesiastes 5:8 NASB).
When we see a poor practice in our company, we need to raise the issue first with the person directly involved. State your concern and what change should occur. Then if necessary, respectfully take the matter to that person's boss. Your company will be stronger with your leadership in correcting problems.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
How do you define success? A powerful insight from Dr Mario Denton
How do you define Success? Is it the one aim you life for? Don't let success blind you! Strive for daily significance. Remember Success is a function of Hope, Love and Peace
S= F(H x L x P) If one of the elements is 0, the whole formula will be naught.
S= F(H x L x P) If one of the elements is 0, the whole formula will be naught.
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