Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Integrate Character Development as part of Leadership

Smooth work relationships are indispensable to efficiency on the job.
In theworld we are living today, employers often react to a lack of diligence, orderliness, or dependability in their employees.

On the other handemployees react to a lack of sensitivity and justice in their employers.

For character training to be effective, it must become a part of the cultureof the organisation. This is accomplished through employee meetings thatintroduce each month's character quality, public recognition of employeesfor character qualities they have demonstrated, and frequent recognition.

All these elements are combined in Character First! training that have beendone with 28 participants from the Western Cape Metro PoliceLaw enforcement officers with good character are absolutely essential forearning community trust and establishing a peaceful community. Indeed, lawenforcement officers and their families must be equipped to deal with thesituations and pressures they face every day.

Character and leadership training for law enforcement agencies can give officers constructive ways todeal with stress and maintain good relationships.

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