Friday, October 7, 2011

TRAINING INTERVENTION BUSINESS BY THE BOOK: Are some pages missing in the way we currently do business?

The best “golden oldie” but absolutely relevant seminar from Larry Burkett.
To date I have not found a better book on this topic. It explains the purpose of business, ownership, finances and integrity.
We are now looking for business people to be co-facilitators and look forward to training you in this regard. See the comment below.
“Ek het die werkswinkel saam met Johan Louw  by Moreletapark bygewoon en was baie beïndruk met die wyse van aanbieding en die inhoud van die materiaal.”  Luther Backer, Emeritus professor in Arbeidsverhoudinge aan die UJ.
 Please contact me so we can train you to take this seminar into your small groups.

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